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I have been training animals since 1980. My name is David Perri and I am the President of Animal Behavior Consultants International. I have trained a number of exotic and domestic animals, including killer whales, dolphins, seals and sea lions, bears, dogs and horses to name a few. I also have a bachelor's degree in Zoology and Wildlife Management and an Associate degree in Animal Management.

In my years of training exotic and domestic animals I have discovered a simple secret. The secret is to be Positive with your animal. No matter what you do, a Positive training technique is the key to training a healthy, non-aggressive animal and believe me it works. I have been doing it for most of my life!

Animal Behavior Consultants International, which began in January 1997, teaches animal owners the ABC's in animal training. We are proud to introduce the ""Gotta-Go" Doorbell".

It is the most efficient, Positive and easy way to house train your dog. This includes an easy to follow step by step instruction manual, a bell and an instructional video. With these step by step instructions anyone can train their dog to ring a bell to let the owner know it is time for their pet to go outside and relieve themselves.

David Perri, President, Animal Behavior Consultants International